Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I am learning so much these days...........

First, I am learning slowly how this blogging thingy works.
Thanks Abbi for introducing it to me.

Next, I am learning how to have Patience with my kids. I am basically a single mother for half the month and it is really hard. Here lately I have been tested in so many ways and am learning how to sit back and take a few minutes before diving into something. My kids (well, really Lauren) has been testing me. She wakes up hating everything that I pick out for her to wear. Then she goes to hating the toothpaste I put on her tooth brush. Finally, as we are rushing out the door she hates the shoes I pick out for her. Is this totally a girl thing or what???? Boys are diff easier. All Jacob needs is a pair of jeans & a white t-shirt and he's as happy as can be.

Last but not least I need to work on putting the Lord first. I am trying to get up and read the word and pray first thing in the morning. I loved working at Sharon's Salon because I would go in early and I would sit and talk to Mrs. Sharon and Mr. David about our blessings and prayer requests and I miss that. Please pray for me and my family that we will find a church and start putting God first.

Well, I love and miss everyone.

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